Short week coming up due to PD for teachers on Friday followed by Fall Break!
MTSD has paid for all seniors and juniors to take the ACT on Oct. 17th. The high school will be having an ACT Bootcamp when we return from fall break. While your student might not plan on attending college, remind them they might change their mind. Each opportunity is important and thousands of dollars are at stake!
Tues.- Golf District Match
Wed.- Even Period Nine Weeks Tests
Thurs.-Elem. Tribe Day/Odd Period Nine Weeks Tests/JH football @ home vs Lee
Fri.- No School. PD for teachers. SH football @ Marianna - 7:00
Upcoming Events
Sept 25 - Oct 6: Fall Break
Oct. 6- Sr. Night for Fall Activities
Oct 12: Stop the Bleed for Jr’s
Oct 13: Sr Composite Pictures
Oct 16: Report Cards will be sent home
Oct 17: ACT for Jr’s & Sr’s